Domain Interaction Statistical POTential (DISPOT)
Source code and instructions for using standalone version including Docker image can be found here.
The complexity of protein-protein interactions (PPIs
) is further compounded by the fact that an average protein consists of two or more domains, structurally and evolutionary independent subunits.
Experimental studies have demonstrated that an interaction between a pair of proteins is not carried out by all domains constituting each protein, but rather by a select subset. However, finding which domains from each protein mediate the corresponding PPI
is a challenging task.
Domain Interaction Statistical POTential (DISPOT), a simple knowledge-based statistical potential that estimates the propensity of an interaction between a pair of protein domains, given their superfamily level of the SCOPe domain classification. The statistical potential is derived based on the analysis of more than 352,000 structurally resolved protein-protein interactions obtained from DOMMINO, a comprehensive database on structurally resolved macromolecular interactions.